Love is the weed pen in the bottom of my gym shorts

Small W’s
2 min readFeb 19, 2022

I lost my weed pen. I’d come home from work, ready to relax, unwind, and I couldn’t find it.

That was really annoying. I’d been looking forward to that moment. So I tore my apartment apart looking for it.

I checked the pockets of all my clothes.

I stripped the sheets off my bed.

I checked under my bed.

I checked the washroom.

I looked through every drawer and cabinet.


I laid down, very much sober, and sad, and went to sleep.

The next day I still hadn’t found it. I did another thorough search.

Still nothing. I admitted defeat.

And that night, I had a dream. I dreamt I saw my weed pen sitting on its little corner of the shelf, where I usually have it, in my desk.

I saw it sitting there, and I knew that it would come back to me. I woke confident that I would find my weed pen, but I didn’t go searching for it.

I was so confident after my dream that I didn’t even look for it.

And sure enough, later that day when I put on my gym shorts, I felt it sitting in the bottom of my pocket.

I’d checked that pocket twice, frantically rummaging around in it.

It wasn’t until I actually wore the clothes, for a purpose, that I found my weed pen.

And then, it struck me that, this is what love is.

Love is the weed pen in the bottom of my gym shorts.

I wasn’t going to find it when I was desperate for it.

I found it after I stopped looking, because I knew it would come.

Only after putting on the shorts, for another purpose, than to find what might’ve been in the pockets, did I get what I was after.

What I’d forgotten about.



Small W’s

West coast kid with love for the East. Just out of uni and working on being alive. Will try almost anything once and will definitely write about it. Stay tuned.